Couponbates: Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Does a Deal Make it to the FrontPage?

Latest deals appears in front page of couponbates. There are many stores and pages that are listed in front page of the site. If everything checks out okay in their research, the deal is then posted on the FrontPage

  • Who Are the Deal Editors?

Our team of expert Deal Editors are sourced from the community. They were all previously members who showed a knack of posting great deals for community members, and offered insightful advice to users.

  • What Is a Popular Deal?

The list of Popular Deals is purely data-driven. If a deal surpasses a certain thresholds in terms of votes, clicks, and/or views, it is automatically marked as “Popular.” Latest deals appears in front page of couponbates. There are many stores and pages that are listed in front page of the site.

  • How Do I Post a Deal?

Go to the Contact Us page and post a deals about your store. Our team will review and post your deal on our store.

  • How Do I Vote on a Deal?

If you like a deal, click on the thumbs up. Otherwise, click on thumbs down. On a Frontpage deal tile, the thumbs are located in the lower right corner.

  • What’s the Difference Between a Deal and a Coupon?

A deal is a discounted price on a product or subset of products, while a coupon is either a code or a printable voucher, which is required to be submitted or surrendered at the time of purchase.There are certainly variations and overlap between each offer type, but we use these definitions to determine what shows up in Hot Deals and what shows up in Coupons.

  • Why Do Certain Links Lead to a “Page not found” Page?

If you installed an adblocker, it will block certain links that this site uses. You can fix it by navigating to the adblocker’s settings and unblocking the domains listed below: